Monday, March 21, 2011

Life through the eyes of a child

Kids are amazing. They don't know why you left, what happened while you are gone, and why you're back. They won't ask questions about what life was like or how you deal with difficult situations. They won't ask ridiculous questions like: did you feel the earthquake? They don't understand what happened and don't really care. All that matters to them is that you are here right now and they missed you.

literally hasn't let me leave her sight since being here


  1. My favorite in these pictures is how awesome you look. Kidding. Precious.

  2. thanks I wasnt planning on getting my picture taken as you can see

  3. You are never so blessed as being loved by a child! Enjoy

  4. One of my favorite posts. Sometimes the simple things are the most beautiful. Probably why Jesus said what he did about living like children.


Unspeakable Joy: My Summer in Kenya

Unspeakable Joy             Coming to the close of my 6 weeks of living out in the hills of Kenya, it is hard to really put into words ...