Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Random Funny Story of the Day

Just to preface this story, it may not be funny to anyone that doesn't understand the kid and the situation but I thought I'd share anyway. I think all my teacher friends have had a student that just kind of is in their own world half the time. This student kinda does things and you wonder "did you think this thing through?" Today, our school was cancelled for students because of the typhoon. Basically, its been wind and rain nonstop all day. Us teachers still had to be there for a while as a work day. About 20 minutes before school normally starts, I get a phone call.

One of my students was dropped off at school. Upon hearing the name, I kind of understood. Luckily, she went to the office and her mother came to pick her up. Not before she did a sweet yet misguided thing.

Quick back story, this girl is very nice but is rarely ever there and almost always late. I pray for days that she will come early so that I can spend time with her to get her caught up. The fact that she actually came before class started on the one day she didn't have to be there was hilarious in itself.

Anyway, she shows up to my class and obviously must realize that no one is there.  All the lights are off and all the rooms are empty. You'd think she must have thought something was up but it was a little bit before school started and as I said she never comes early. She took it upon herself to set up my classroom. She put out the tables, set up the chairs, opened it to my whiteboard, took out my library books, basically set up everything as I would have done. She even turned on the AC. I really wish I could have saw a video of her doing all of this while the building was empty. Not sure what her mom was thinking, but I guess there wouldn't be anybody outside in a typhoon so she must have assumed that everyone was in their classrooms.

Because of this nice gesture, I had to leave the confines of our dry warm office to battle a typhoon and put away everything she set up. I share the room with a Japanese kindergarten teacher so I need to leave it empty. Though it was a pain, the story definitely made my day. 

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