Monday, September 19, 2011

Matsushima: My First trip to the Pacific after the earthquake

Today we had a random holiday. If I wasn't so ignorant I could tell you what it was for. All I know is that I got to spend a Monday without working. A few friends and I decided to make the about an hour trip to Matsushima. Because of the major earthquake and tsunami, I haven't had much of a chance to make it to the Pacific Ocean. 7 months later I finally got my chance to see it. Matsushima was actually relatively well off even though its right on the coast because there is a bay that blocks it off from a straight hit from the ocean.

Before going, a part of me expected to see a random boat sitting in the middle of the town still. In reality, its amazing what 7 months can do along with tireless effort. If you hadn't known there was an earthquake there, you wouldn't have noticed. There were random buildings closed and open lots that I assume were once occupied. But this town and its life are pretty much back to normal. Of course, this town is just a small beautiful town, thats not reflective of the rest of the coast. I hear there are still areas that may never be the same. But I'm glad this town had a chance to.

We spent most of the day gazing out at the mini islands  much like you'd see around Krabi, Thailand where I spent part of my summer. The rest of the town is full of tiny shops and touristy stuff.

Earquake! Tsunami comes! Immediately evacuate quickly. 

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