Monday, November 7, 2011

Halloween in Japan/Field Trip

People may wonder what they do for Halloween in Japan. Well Japanese stores love to celebrate pretty much everything possible in hopes of selling things. But outside of the hallmark idea of Halloween, they don't do much. Actually, there are a lot of random teenagers and twenty somethings that regularly dress up as Pikachu or something random. On a given weekend, you will see some caricature randomly walking around downtown Sendai and taking pictures with kids.

Archery Game Station

Fishing Station

Japanized Spiderman

crazy creature we found at our field trip last week

A view from the pond at the museum
Our school tries to give a more American style celebration with Jamboree! Basically, all the kids come to school on a Saturday night and play a ton of games and dress up in costumes. I got to relive my childhood I dreams and be black Spiderman. I started the night hanging out by the street in full costume. I'd love to know what the random Japanese people were thinking as they drove by. From there, we got together with our students. I told my kids I was going to be batman so they were a little surprised when Spiderman started talking to them. Kids from other classes still call me Spiderman when I see them. There a bunch of random funny stories that night but I waited too long to make this post and forgot the good parts. I did embarass one of my students when they called all the Cowboys and Indian costumes to take pictures together. He was dress as a person from India and technically the only Indian but was sent back to his seat.

Here is a great picture of my class at Jamboree. You may have to scroll until you see spiderman:
Also here is  a great video of what it was like, a few of my students make a cameo:
If you're bored you can check out the camp day 1 video. It was a blast and you might get to hear my beautiful singing voice.

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