Thursday, August 28, 2014

New horizons: my decision to move on

I have made the decision to move on after 4 years of  working at an an amazing job that I have been so blessed to work at. It's definitely not a decision I have taken at all lightly and honestly took me a year or two to come to. 

After being blessed with a job that had truly provided so much for me both professionally and personally, I feel ready to seek new challenges reach new heights and grow more in the path God has set before me. 

As I look back, I am speechless at what an opportunity basically popped out of thin air. I still remember the feeling going into this job having no clue what I'd be doing but knowing that it would be a great adventure.

Flash forward 4 years and I have traveled more cities and countries than I would have dreamed of 5 years ago. I've had so many unique experiences with cultures that I could write books about. I've had the amazing blessing of working with so many great people that have shaped the man I am today and the person I see in the horizon.  I have also been afforded the opportunity to work with so many amazing students over 4 years that I am so proud to say I have taught and hope that I have somehow helped them grow into truly decent members of society as they continue. 

The funny thing is I have always thought going into this job that I'd be here a year not 4. But Meysen has really made it a difficult place to the best ways possible. One would be hard pressed to find a job that truly takes care of the person better than here in our amazing English utopia we call Meysen Academy in the middle of Sendai, Japan.

Japan has also become more of a home to me than I had ever expected. I've developed a deep appreciation for the order, respect and genuine humbleness that the society as a whole reflects. I feel I will always compare cultures I see in the future to that of Japan. 

I had always thought that I would leave having clear direction and knowing what I'm doing. However, God has really worked on my heart to understand the beauty is actually in the unknown. I have nothing to hold me back from truly doing anything next. I can honestly move to any country and do anything. That is exciting and a true blessing! I continue to pray that I am open to new opportunities and adventures and I follow God's lead to the right one. I also have several months to seek out the right opportunities.

I would also like to have some time  to truly be home and visit people who have always cared though I have seen and talked to so sparingly in four years. It's been wonderful getting to know my brother Ryan, his wife Sarah and their son Zachary out here in Japan the past few years and I'm excited to see how the rest of my family is doing first hand for a little while. I'm also looking forward to taking my friends up that have joked about having a room for me to stay in...haha

The truth is I have no clue what the next step or job will be for me and though it is frightening to not have this safety net of job security I've had, it's a truly exciting moment for me to see what The Lord puts in front of me.

Thank you all that have prayed for and supported me as I finish out my 4 year degree in World immersion. I pray that travels and adventures continue and that I can come back to Meysen and Sendai, Japan someday and visit. Thanks to everybody that has enjoyed/ suffered through reading all of my posts from my adventures as an outsourced teacher. God Bless! 

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