Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Summer Vacation Part 2: Philippines

We arrived in Manila at 9PM and got a great taxi driver to get us out of that airport. The first thing you notice about the Philippines is how much poverty is there. I'm sure there are many places that have it worse but it the worst poverty I have ever seen. Our hotel was in a pretty sketchy area that we learned more about the next morning.

 As we tried to head to the Mall of Asia the next day, we were swarmed by kids about 12 years old constantly bugging us to get in this or that taxi. We jumped in a random one and probably had one of the scarier experiences of the trip. There was a guy reaching in my window trying to get some money from me for allowing to get in the cab. I had no clue what to do so I started rolling the window up and we took off. As soon as we got to the corner, there was a traffic officer that forced our cab to stop and the guy started yelling at our cab driver. We thought it was best to jump out at that moment dodge traffic and try another mode of transportation. I had heard Manila was a shady place but that pretty scary. Luckily, we were leaving that day.

Driving to the airport, we went through all of the slums of Manila. The most interesting thing of it all was that there were kids and people outside everywhere and they all looked so happy. Just about everyone I saw was either laughing or smiling. I had heard this before from a friend whose been to poorer areas. From an outsider it just looks so horrible and sad. To the people there its just normal life. When you grow up with nothing, you are used to nothing and make do with anything you have. There's no need to be down about it because its all you ever know. Its basically happiness on its purest level experienced in one of the most desolate looking places.

We spent the rest of the week in Cebu. Luckily for us, one of my best friends growing up had family from Cebu that planned on taking care of us. They picked us up from the airport and took us anywhere we wanted to go. We ended up staying at a resort in the middle of nowhere and they found it for us. All of the Binagaton's were wonderful and treated us just like their family. Growing up I had always planned to go there with my friend when we were older and somehow I was there and he wasn't which was a little strange.

We made lots of plans to hang out with all of them but unfortunately, my trip went south from the resort. The next day I had food poisoning and ended up sick for the next two days. It got so bad that the hotel decided to take me to the doctor. It was definitely a part of the Philippines I didn't plan on seeing. However, compared to America, it was super cheap and actually really easy to see the doctor. She gave me some antibiotic and it seemed to help.

After ruining most of my time in Cebu, we went to Boljoon and decided to go hanggliding between mountains on the way. It was pretty crazy. Basically you're strapped in and get flung from one mountain to another. The scariest part is when you have nothing below you for a long ways. The next day we headed to Kawasan Falls and got to jump off a waterfall. It was a great end to my Cebu trip. I had a great time and am so thankful to all those people that took care of us while we were out.

We flew out to Manila the next day and stayed in a luxury hotel. It was connected to resort mall and casino. It was by far the most comfortable bed I slept on all trip. We headed out the next day hoping to be ready to head back to Japan. However, you all know my luck with flying to Japan.

We get there and they tell us the flight is cancelled and leaving at 3AM the next day. Of course, I'm not really shocked by this anymore. Luckily, they set us up with a hotel and meals. From the hotel, we find out its delayed again till 5:25. Finally, we get to the airport and board the plane only to find out half the peoples seats dont exist. Luckily, they find seats for us all while waiting on the airplane.


Best Thing I ate: Pad Thai at the Krabi Resort. Thai food is amazing. The Pad Thai literally hits every single taste bud I have. If you love food, you gotta check it out.

Weirdest Thing I ate: A chicken foot at the hotel in the Philippines. Much to my surprise it didnt taste like chicken. It was actually pretty gross. Sadly, I never got the chance to eat insects in Thailand. I think I saw scorpions from a vendor once.

Coolest thing: The Zipline in Cebu and the Kayaking were both must do.

Scariest adventure: Riding any taxi in Thailand or any vehicle in Cebu. The driving in Cebu is like a stunt driving course. Both countries dont seem to have road rules. Basically, the biggest vehicle has the right of way on either side of the road. Honking is also a very important skill. Also in Thailand, be very carefully when crossing at a crosswalk they will not stop for you.

Thing that would most appall my mom: Thailand has got to be the capital of motorcycle driving. On top of that unsafe motorcycle driving. Almost no one seemed to wear a helmet. I saw mothers or fathers driving with infants and kids just hangin behind helmet-less.

Best Hostel:  Nappark Hostel in Thailand was great. The people were very friendly there, it was right in the middle of the fun places for travelers and they made great breakfast.

Best Hotel: The Marriot in Manila. We got a great deal and had a fitting end to all the different places we slept over 2 weeks.

Friendliest People: Philippino people were all extremely friendly even if some tried to take advantage of us.

Best Movie Theater: Bangkok, Thailand. We actually watched a movie in both countries. The theater in Thailand was super cheap but was very upscale looking. Word to the wise, before every movie you must stand up and pay homage to the King as they play video of him. We had no clue.

I'm sure I could keep ranking for a while. All in all it was a great two weeks and quite an adventure. However, after all the traveling it feels great to be back here and teaching my students tomorrow. 

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